A number of companies offer kits that allow the extraction of DNA from buccal swabs. I would like to know the tissue origins of the human DNA obtained. I used to think that it would be mostly epithelial (from the cheek) but one company claims that it mostly originates from leukocytes. But I am sceptical of this claim because 1) the company is not impartial (they want us to think buccal DNA is just like DNA from blood) and 2) the study they cited was a very small study in sick individuals. Are there any large, population-based studies of this question? Does anyone know what the typical make up is? Ideally I want to obtain DNA that is 100% epithelial in origin. Is there any way to optimise DNA extraction for this tissue (I suppose the more intense the buccal swab the better)? Any advice much appreciated! thanks!

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