Science Quotes, Proverbs, Sayings, and Idioms Commonly Related to Sciences and Philosophy Worldwide?
The black holes of nature are the most perfect macroscopic objects there are in the universe: the only elements in their construction are our concepts of space and time. - Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it. ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him discover it in himself. - Galileo
Shall I refuse my dinner because I do not fully understand the process of digestion? - Oliver Heaviside
Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have spent most of life trying to save.
Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life.
Marcus Aurelius
Many different quotes from great people about science. But I'm most impressed with the following: "Science never solves a question without setting a dozen new ones" (Bernard Shaw)
"Only the professor should know how much he/she does not know about"
I think this saying points well to the need for cross-functional collaborations between universities and industry.
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away. ― Stephen Hawking
Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science. - Edwin Powell Hubble
Karl Marx's most famous quote from Soviet times: In science there is no broad pillar road, and only he can reach its shining peaks who, without fear of fatigue, climbs its stony paths.
If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants. ― Isaac Newton
You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him discover it in himself. - Galileo
Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. ― Marie Curie
There are many quotes about the science of great people:
Only science will change the world. Science in a broad sense: how to split the atom, and how to educate people. And adults, too.
Just as those who eat very much are no more healthy than those who eat only the most necessary things, so true scientists are not those who read much, but those who read useful things. Aristippus
Who moves forward in the Sciences, but lags behind in morals, that goes back more than forward. Aristotle
The task of scientists is not only to develop scientific research, but also to fight for its use for the benefit of society, for the benefit of all people in the world.
A true scientist is a dreamer, and if he is not, he calls himself a practitioner.
The key to all science is the question mark.
A student will never surpass a teacher if he sees him as a model and not as a rival.
Science is not a subject of pure thought, but of thought constantly involved in practice and constantly reinforced by practice. This is why science cannot be studied in isolation from technology.
When you come across a fact that contradicts the prevailing theory, you need to recognize the fact and reject the theory, even if it is supported by big names and accepted by everyone.
Another scientist is like a Bank teller: he has the keys to great wealth, but these riches do not belong to him.
The main duty of a scientist is not to try to prove the infallibility of his opinions, but to be always ready to reject any view that appears unproven, from any experience that turns out to be erroneous.
Science is the best way to make the human spirit heroic.
The limits of the Sciences are like the horizon: the closer you approach them, the more they move away.
Science is an ocean open to both rook and frigate. One transports ingots of gold on it, the other fishes herring in it. E. Bulver-Lytton
Morality should be the polar star of science.
The true and legitimate aim of all Sciences is to endow human life with new inventions and riches.
Science is nothing but a representation of reality.
Facts in science are the same as experience in public life. J. Buffon
When science reaches a peak, it opens up a vast prospect of further path to new peaks, new roads open up, which science will follow further.
Science has its own specific logic of development, which is very important to take into account. Science should always work in reserve, for the future, and only under this condition it will be in its natural conditions.
You can't be a real mathematician without being a bit of a poet.
A scientific hypothesis always goes beyond the facts that served as the basis for its construction.
Scientific worldview, imbued with natural science and mathematics, is the greatest force not only of the present, but also of the future.
One minute is enough to be surprised; it takes many years to do an amazing thing.
In science, there is no other way to acquire, as in the sweat of your brow; no impulses, no fantasies, no aspirations with all your heart do not replace labor.
Science is power; it reveals the relations of things, their laws and interactions.
Science requires the whole person, without second thoughts, with a willingness to give everything and receive the heavy cross of sober knowledge as a reward.
There are no difficult Sciences, there are only difficult expositions.
We cannot have a science that is disconnected from life: it is contrary to our character.
Hypotheses are scaffolding that is erected in front of a building and demolished when the building is ready; they are necessary for the worker; he should not only take the scaffolding for the building.
In order for any science to move forward, so that its expansion becomes more perfect, hypotheses are necessary as well as the evidence of experience and observation.
A person must believe that the incomprehensible can be understood.
What is in the air and what time demands can occur simultaneously in a hundred heads without any borrowing.
In science, you must both believe and doubt.
The right of a scientist is freedom, and his duty is truthfulness.
Science becomes the nervous system of our epoch.
Work and science-there is nothing higher than these two forces on earth.
The work of a scientist is the property of all mankind, and science is the area of the greatest selflessness.
People have no power more powerful and victorious than science.
True science knows neither likes nor dislikes: its only purpose is truth.
Moving forward, science constantly crosses itself.
Science consists in a grouping of facts that allows you to deduce on the basis of their General laws or conclusions.
Usually, not those who know a lot, but those who know a little, are always more confident in saying that this or that problem will never be solved by science.
The purpose of scientific studies should be to direct the mind in such a way that it makes strong and true judgments about all the objects encountered.
Nature is the best and most objective teacher in solving the most difficult questions of science.
Every great success of science has its source in the great audacity of the imagination.
In any profession, love for it is one of the conditions for success, but this is especially true for research work.
Perhaps we owe science more than any other kind of human activity to the emergence of a sense of the need for collective effort. F. Joliot-Curie
Science is necessary for the people. A country that does not develop it inevitably turns into a colony. F. Joliot-Curie
Science opens up great prospects for those who serve it. F. Joliot-Curie
The teaching has no right to consider itself a select group, alien to the tasks of practical life. As members of the great family of workers, they should be concerned about how their discoveries are being used. They want science to be put at the service of the people.
The time will come when science will outstrip fantasy. Jules Verne
The great poetry of our century is a science with an amazing flourishing of its discoveries, its conquest of matter, which inspires man to increase his activity tenfold.
Honesty in science is inseparable from honesty in life, and who in science sees one cash cow for himself, is not an honest servant, but an industrialist who turns the bright name of science into a commercial trade.
The beginnings of a science of the mind, top of mind is patience. E. Kopiev
We can find a thousand scientists until we come across one wise man.
Science is often confused with knowledge. This is a gross misunderstanding. Science is not only knowledge, but also consciousness, that is, the ability to use knowledge properly.
The abuse of scientific language turns into the science of words what should be the science of facts.
There are no barriers to human thought.
Science is a huge Treasury of knowledge accumulated by mankind.
Human life is not eternal, but science and knowledge cross the threshold of centuries.
Science consists of knowledge logically connected to the system and imbued with the idea.
The system of Sciences should be considered as a system of nature: everything in it is infinite and everything is necessary.
A scientist devoid of imagination can become a good walking library and a living reference book — he assimilates, not creates.
We need science to really enter into the flesh and blood, to become an integral element of everyday life in a completely real way.
The cooperation of scientists and workers — only such cooperation will be able to destroy all the oppression of poverty, disease, and filth. And it will be done. Before the Union of representatives of science, the proletariat and technology, no dark force can stand.
There is no certainty in the Sciences where none of the mathematical Sciences can be applied, and in those that have no connection with mathematics. Leonardo da Vinci
The source of all science is experience. Every experience is a thought that becomes accessible to the senses through it.
Reason and fantasy are equally necessary for our knowledge and are equal in science.
Science can't be wrong about things, it can only be wrong about understanding things.
In the cage of bureaucracy, science cannot move forward.
The word "scientist" sometimes contains only the concept that a person has been taught a lot, but not that he himself has learned something.
Where once there were borders of science, there is now its center.
A scientist needs to go through unbeaten paths, despite the obstacles. N. I. Lobachevsky
For the common good, and especially for the establishment of science in the Fatherland, and against the father of his native rise for sin do not put.
Science is a clear knowledge of the truth, enlightenment of the mind, immaculate entertainment of life, praise of youth, old age support, Builder of cities, regiments, the fortress of success in misery, in happiness decoration, everywhere a faithful and inseparable companion.
I put one experience higher than a thousand opinions born only of imagination.
In science, there is no broad pillar road, and only those can reach its shining peaks who, without fear of fatigue, clamber along its stony paths.
Every scientific work, every discovery, every invention is universal labor. It is conditioned partly by the cooperation of contemporaries, and partly by the use of the work of their predecessors.
Every beginning is difficult — this truth is true for every science.
Science is not a selfish pleasure at all. Those lucky people who can devote themselves to scientific tasks should themselves be the first to give their knowledge to the service of humanity.
Scientific truths are always paradoxical, if judged on the basis of everyday experience, which captures only the deceptive appearance of things.
The production process can be turned into a technological application of science.
The development of science, this ideal and at the same time practical wealth, is only one of the sides, one of the forms in which the development of man's productive forces, i.e. the development of wealth, appears.K. Marx
If he does not want to lower his own level, he should never interrupt his active participation in public life and should not sit forever locked up in his office or in his laboratory, like a rat that has got into a cheese, without interfering in the life, in the social and political struggle of his contemporaries.
Hypotheses facilitate and make correct scientific work — the search for truth, like the plough of the farmer, facilitates the cultivation of useful plants.
It is impossible to foresee the limits of scientific knowledge and prediction.
Science is a common property, and therefore justice requires not to give the greatest scientific glory to the one who first expressed a known truth, but to the one who managed to convince others of it, showed its authenticity and made it applicable in science.
The role of the Sciences is official, they are a means to achieve the good.
Seeking to know the infinite, science itself has no end and, being universal, in fact inevitably acquires a national character.
A characteristic feature of science is that it requires strong activity.
Man with the help of science is able to correct the imperfection of his nature.
True scientists are like ears of corn in a field. While the ear is empty, it grows merrily and holds up its head proudly; but when it swells, fills with grain, and ripens, it becomes humbled and lowers its head.M. Montaigne
Book learning is an ornament, not a Foundation.M. Montaigne
To those who have not learned the science of good, any other science is only harmful.M. Montaigne
There is no science for science, there is no art for art — they all exist for society, for ennobling, for the elevation of man, for his enrichment with knowledge and material comforts of life.
If I saw further than others, it was only because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.and. Newton
My faith is the belief that the progress of science will bring happiness to mankind.
Science requires a man's entire life. And if you had two lives, they would not be enough for you. Great tension and great passion requires science from man.
The field of research of all Sciences is boundless.B. Pascal
Only trained minds make random discoveries.B. Pascal
The cult of science in the highest sense of the word is perhaps even more necessary for the moral than for the material prosperity of a nation. Science increases the intellectual and moral level; science promotes the spread and triumph of great ideas.Louis Pasteur
Science must be the most exalted embodiment of the Fatherland, for of all peoples the first will always be the one who will outstrip others in the field of thought and mental activity.Louis Pasteur
The progress of science is determined by the work of its scientists and the value of their discoveries.Louis Pasteur
Where the spirit of science prevails, great things are done by small means.
A one-sided specialist is either a crude empiricist or a scientific charlatan.
The greatness and dignity of science consists solely in the benefits it brings to people, increasing their productivity and strengthening the natural forces of their minds.
Between science and life there is a very close, indissoluble, and for none of them in the least humiliating connection: the more science serves life, the more life enriches science.
Where science stands high, man stands high.
Science is built from facts, just as a house is built from bricks; but a pile of facts is not science, just as a pile of bricks is not a house.A. Poincare
Science is a collective creation and can be nothing else; it is like a monumental structure that takes centuries to build, and where everyone has to bring a stone, and this stone often costs them their whole life.A. Poincare
Freedom is to science what air is to a living being.A. Poincare
The dignity of art and the dignity of science in selfless service for the benefit of people.D. Ruskin
The plaids of true science and true art are the fruits of sacrifice, not of material gain.R. Rolland
Today's great scientists are true poets.R. Rolland
A thousand times higher it is necessary to put people who are able to work productively at least without diplomas, than people who are inactive, but with diplomas.
Science is constant recognition, not only discovery, but also discovery.
Two men labored fruitlessly and tried uselessly: one who accumulated wealth and did not use it, and one who learned the Sciences but did not apply them.Saadi
A scientist without works is a tree without fruit. Saadi
Science is the basis of all progress that makes life easier for humanity and reduces its suffering.
What can be more harmful than a person who has knowledge of the most complex Sciences, but does not have a good heart? He uses all his knowledge for evil.
A scientist should be absolutely honest in everything. The slightest deviation from this quality is the gravest crime.
Science is organized knowledge.
The common belief that science and poetry are two opposites is a great misconception. On the contrary, science reveals a whole world of poetry. People who devote themselves to scientific research constantly prove to us that they not only perceive the poetry of the subjects they study in the same way as other people, but even more vividly than they do.
It is the business of a scientist to go closely with his people, to raise them imperceptibly in a winding spiral on the difficult steepness of truth.
Those who are engaged in science should look at knowledge as a treasure entrusted to them, which is the property of the entire people.
Science is the best, firmest, most luminous support in life, whatever its vicissitudes.
With the complete elimination of the hypothesis, that is, the guiding thought, science would turn into a pile of naked facts.
Only science teaches how to extract the truth from its only primary source-from reality.
The business of science is to serve people.
Scientific and artistic activity in its true sense is only fruitful when it does not know the rights, but only the duties.
The task of science should be to know what should be, not what is.
Science and art are as necessary to people as food and drink and clothing, even more so. L. N. Tolstoy
Science, as it has always been understood and is now understood by most people, is the knowledge of the most necessary and important for human life objects of knowledge. L. N. Tolstoy
Science and art are what move people forward and give them the opportunity for endless development. L. N. Tolstoy
If there were no Sciences and arts, there would be no man and no human life. L. N. Tolstoy
An indubitable sign of true science is the consciousness of the insignificance of what you know, in comparison with what is revealed.
Recognition can be recognized. and prove only the sacrifice that a scientist or artist makes to his peace and well-being in order to give himself up to his vocation.
The goal of scientific thinking is to see the General in the particular and the eternal in the transitory.
In the Sciences, the most reliable help is your own eyes, reflection.
Science wins when its wings are unfettered by fantasy.
Discoveries are born where the teacher's knowledge ends and the student's new knowledge begins.
The love of science is the love of truth, so honesty is the main virtue of a scientist.
There are no limits to imagination, there are no limits to the penetration of reason, there are no limits to the technical power that conquers nature.
Let the scientist forget what he has done as soon as it is done, and let him think constantly about what he has yet to do.
Science in a depraved man is a fierce weapon to do evil. Enlightenment elevates one virtuous soul.
A true scientist cannot be modest: the more he has done, the more clearly he sees how much remains to be done.
To neglect the possibility of using scientific data in public life is to belittle the value of science. Science helps us in the fight against fanaticism in any of its manifestations; it helps us create our own ideal of justice, without borrowing anything from erroneous systems and barbaric traditions.
Scientists very often differ from normal mortals in their ability to admire wordy and complex delusions.
Science, as it has always been understood and is now understood by most people, is the knowledge of the most necessary and important for human life objects of knowledge. L. N. Tolstoy
Science and art are what move people forward and give them the opportunity for endless development. L. N. Tolstoy
If there were no Sciences and arts, there would be no man and no human life. L. N. Tolstoy
An indubitable sign of true science is the consciousness of the insignificance of what you know, in comparison with what is revealed.
Recognition can be recognized. and prove only the sacrifice that a scientist or artist makes to his peace and well-being in order to give himself up to his vocation.
The goal of scientific thinking is to see the General in the particular and the eternal in the transitory.
In the Sciences, the most reliable help is your own eyes, reflection.
Science wins when its wings are unfettered by fantasy.
Discoveries are born where the teacher's knowledge ends and the student's new knowledge begins.
The love of science is the love of truth, so honesty is the main virtue of a scientist.
There are no limits to imagination, there are no limits to the penetration of reason, there are no limits to the technical power that conquers nature.
Let the scientist forget what he has done as soon as it is done, and let him think constantly about what he has yet to do.
Science in a depraved man is a fierce weapon to do evil. Enlightenment elevates one virtuous soul.
A true scientist cannot be modest: the more he has done, the more clearly he sees how much remains to be done.
To neglect the possibility of using scientific data in public life is to belittle the value of science. Science helps us in the fight against fanaticism in any of its manifestations; it helps us create our own ideal of justice, without borrowing anything from erroneous systems and barbaric traditions.
Scientists very often differ from normal mortals in their ability to admire wordy and complex delusions.
A scientist at an early age must come to terms with the idea that the world around him is destined to know very little.
The one who flaunts erudition or scholarship, has neither the one nor the other.E. Hemingway
Science has an extremely tactile, so to speak, bread-like importance.
One of the greatest disasters of civilization — the scientist fool.
In science, the fruits of experience and reflection of the human race are stored, and most importantly, on the basis of science, concepts are improved, and then the mores and lives of people.
A scientist should seek the truth, value it more than their personal desires or relationships.
Science is the most important, the most beautiful and necessary thing in a person's life.
There is no national science, just as there is no national multiplication table.
As for some science seems to be a celestial goddess, so for others-a fat cow that gives them oil.
You can't become a narrow specialist without becoming, in the strict sense, a blockhead.
Bad is the scientist who read about everything in the world and only remembered what he read.
There is always an element of poetry in scientific thinking. Real science and real music require a homogeneous thought process.
Science is a relentless centuries - old work of thought: to bring together all the known phenomena of our world through a system.
Science is not, and never will be, a complete book. Every important success brings new questions, every development reveals new and deeper difficulties over time.
The wonders of modern science far surpass the wonders of ancient mythology.
If technology is largely dependent on the state of science, then science is much more dependent on the state and consumption of technology. If a society has a technical need, it moves science forward more than a dozen universities.
Fervent faith in science is not only a positive quality, but a precious one; without it, scientific progress is absolutely impossible.
Politics takes us by force, we are all immersed in it, whether we want it or not.
A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. ― Charles Darwin
There are many Russian Proverbs and sayings about science:
* Science is power.
* Science does not ask for bread, but gives it itself.
* Science is more reliable than Golden bail.
• The more science, the smarter your hands are.
* Without flour, there is no science.
* Not God will help, but science.
* Lenin's science strengthens the mind and hands.
* You need not only a scientist, but also a smart one.
* Who knows a lot, from that much and is asked.
* Those who are friends with science do not need God.
* Who knows more, and books in hand.
* Science is not beer: you can't put it in your mouth.
* Strong science-an extra trump card.
• The more science, the more dexterous your hands are.
* You need to take science with you, work with your head.
• Where science serves for peace, the desert blooms.
* Without science, as without hands.
* If science is honored, then bread will be honored.
* There are no barriers in science.
* There are no old ones in science.
* Science does not lead to the forest, but out of the forest leads.
* Science gives wings to the mind.
* Science is not given for nothing-science is taken with difficulty.
* Science and labor give wonderful shoots.
* Science, like love, requires passion.
* Science enriches people, but it does not become scarce.
* Science is not a bug; it does not frighten, and it drives away the darkness of ignorance.
* Science inspires and gives meaning to life.
* Science adorns the mind.
* Science teaches only the smart.
* Learn science — there is no old age.
* The world stands by science, but people live by learning.
* People feed on science.
* You can't get science into your head if there's no hunting.
* The beginning of science is mind, the beginning of mind is patience.
* No one's path to science is closed.
* Immersed in science does not know boredom.
* If you suffer, you will learn.
* Serve the Motherland — live in friendship with science.
* Those who are friends with science do not grieve.
* Those who live well who are friends with science.
* Work and science-brother and sister.
* If science falls asleep, the darkness will Wake up.
* Science is light, and illiteracy is dark.
* The science of the book is not complete without the science of life.
* Science does not know the word "dot".
* Science is not flour.
* Graduated from the course of science, and knows AZ da Buki.
* Those who love science do not know boredom.
* Go to science — suffer the torment.
• If you go with science, you will find happiness.
* Science defeats enemies.
• You can't weave bast shoes without science.
Proverbs and sayings of other peoples about science:
* Science is a great power. (Lithuanian)
* Science is the lamp of the mind. (Azerbaijani)
* What hands don't do, science will do. (Kirghiz)
* Where there is more science, there is less flour. (Ukrainian)
* The beginning of science is mind, the beginning of mind is patience. (Circassian)
* Depth - in the sea, wisdom - in science. (Buryat)
* Science gained through hard study is useful. (Buryat)
* Science opens your eyes. (Belarus)
• Science is a tricky business. (Georgian)
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
Isaac A
Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.
Martin Luther King Jr
To me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor or distinction than that connected with advances in science. Isaac Newton
Science does not know its debt to imagination. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce. John F. Kennedy
If you believe in science, like I do, you believe that there are certain laws that are always obeyed. Stephen Hawking
The best scientist is open to experience and begins with romance - the idea that anything is possible. Ray Bradbury
Reason, observation, and experience; the holy trinity of science. Robert Green Ingersoll
Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth. Jules Verne
It is a good morning exercise for a research scientist to discard a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast. It keeps him young. Konrad Lorenz
Science and art belong to the whole world, and the barriers of nationality vanish before them. Johann Wolfgang
Art has a double face, of expression and illusion, just like science has a double face: the reality of error and the phantom of truth.
René Daumal
Chess is a unique cognitive nexus, a place where art and science come together in the human mind and are then refined and improved by experience.
Garry Kasparov
During human progress, every science is evolved out of its corresponding art. Herbert Spencer
Dear Prof. Chinaza Godswill Awuchi,
Form your life humanly, and you have done enough: but you will never reach the height of art and the depth of science without something divine.
Friedrich von Schlegel
Dear Prof. Chinaza Godswill Awuchi,
He that desireth to acquire any art or science seeketh first those means by which that art or science is obtained. Robert Barclay
Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science.
Ralph E
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.
Albert Einstein
How far will chemistry and physics … help us understand the appeal of a painting? Hazel Swaine Rossotti
Dear Prof. Chinaza Godswill Awuchi,
I agree with Schopenhauer that one of the most powerful motives that attract people to science and art is the longing to escape from everyday life.
Albert Einstein
I do not conceive of any manifestation of culture, of science, of art, as purposes in themselves. I think the purpose of science and culture is the man.
Fidel Castro
I was reading in an article on Bizet not long ago that music has ceased to be an art and has become a science—in which event it must have a mathematical future! Lafcadio Hearn
The Seven Social Sins are:
Wealth without work.
Pleasure without conscience.
Knowledge without character.
Commerce without morality.
Science without humanity.
Worship without sacrifice.
Politics without principle.
From a sermon given by Frederick Lewis Donaldson in Westminster Abbey, London, on March 20, 1925.
Dear Prof. Chinaza Godswill Awuchi,
Imagination comes first in both artistic and scientific creations, but in science, there is only one answer and that has to be correct. James Watson
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Albert Einstein
Dear Prof. Chinaza Godswill Awuchi,
Industry is best at the intersection of science and art. Edwin Herbert Land
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” Mark Twain
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” Arthur Ashe
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Malcolm X
It is the greatest of crimes to depress true art and science. William Blake
“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” Andy McIntyre
Mathematics is, as it were, a sensuous logic, and relates to philosophy as do the arts, music, and plastic art to poetry. Friedrich von Schlegel
Modern bodybuilding is ritual, religion, sport, art, and science, awash in Western chemistry and mathematics. Defying nature, it surpasses it. Camille Paglia
“I believe that education is all about being excited about something. Seeing passion and enthusiasm helps push an educational message.“ Steve Irwin
“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.” Chinese proverb
“Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.” Maya Angelou
“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg — not by smashing it.” Arnold Glasow
“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.” Epictetus
“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.” Abraham Maslow
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Aristotle
“No man who worships education has got the best out of education…. Without a gentle contempt for education no man's education is complete.” G.K. Chesterton
“When a subject becomes totally obsolete we make it a required course.” Peter Drucker
“The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn.” Gloria Steinem
“If a man is a fool, you don't train him out of being a fool by sending him to university. You merely turn him into a trained fool, ten times more dangerous.” Desmond Bagley
Dear Prof. Chinaza Godswill Awuchi,
A faithful friend is the medicine of life; they that fear the Lord shall find him. Bible
I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. - Isaac Newton
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then is probably is a duck.
There is no national science, just as there is no national multiplication table (Anton Chekhov)
In my opinion, statements about science should be considered as a temporary phenomenon.
In my younger years, my life credo was the winged expression of Mikhail Lermontov "so life is boring when there is no struggle!". I was grasping at everything – school, sports, music, Hiking, painting… But over time, going deeper into my purely scientific interests, I see the meaning of my scientific life in the words of Clement Timiryazev "you Need to know a little about everything, but everything about a little". Isn't that a great way to say it?!
"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people" (Eleanor Roosevelt)
"It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people so they can tell us what to do" (Steve jobs)
"A smart person makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes it again. And a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid making mistakes at all" (Roy Williams)
"If you want to live a happy life, connect it to a goal, not to people or things" (albert Einstein)
S. L. Sobolev has another great quote about science: "All scientific work is 99 percent failure, and maybe only one percent luck." This statement is confirmed by the biographies of many great scientists of the past and present. Science is a very hard work that requires perseverance and perseverance. Without these qualities, it is impossible to achieve success.
A good illustration of this is also the story of the invention of the light bulb by Thomas Edison. This scientist received a well - known nickname - "self-taught from America". It is difficult to believe this fact, but the great researcher did not study for a single year in school. Most of the faculty considered him a fool, prone to unfounded dreams.
While working on the invention of the incandescent lamp, Edison demonstrated real miracles of endurance - once he did not sleep for 45 hours in a row. Here is a fair quote about the science of A. F. Ioffe: "the Problem is solved not by someone who enjoys partial success, but by a researcher who achieves a full result."
How else did Edison show his insistence on scientific research? the scientist tried about six thousand different materials to find the optimal one for the filament. In the end, the persistent inventor decided on the most suitable - Japanese bamboo.
Louis Pasteur has the following quote about science: "The progress of science is determined by the work of its scientists and the value of their discoveries." Indeed, if a scientific achievement does not benefit humanity, it is completely pointless. Why is an invention necessary if it cannot be used to solve significant problems, cure sick people, or solve scientific problems? Unfortunately, in many Sciences, there are whole areas of research that do not solve any problems.
Of course, some may object that such spheres of human knowledge as philosophy and mathematics do not solve applied problems. They do not directly affect the real world - no square equation has yet helped the patient to recover from a deadly disease. However, with their help, the development of other Sciences becomes possible. Nils Abel said: "Mathematics is to the scientist what the scalpel is to the anatomist."
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” Oscar Wilde
Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life. Marcus Aurelius
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. Isaac Asimov
Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men. Martin Luther King, Jr.
To me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor or distinction than that connected with advances in science. Isaac Newton
The human brain is an incredible pattern-matching machine. Jeff Bezos
Each problem that I solved became a rule, which served afterwards to solve other problems. Rene Descartes
When I find myself in the company of scientists, I feel like a shabby curate who has strayed by mistake into a room full of dukes. W. H. Auden
No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong. Albert Einstein
Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence.
Henry David Thoreau
It stands to the everlasting credit of science that by acting on the human mind it has overcome man's insecurity before himself and before nature.
Albert Einstein
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein