Different countries and regions use different methods and approaches. What methods are the most effective for fighting/containing Coronavirus (Covid-19)?
What can we learn from different countries' methods?
Need multidimensional approaches.Forgiveness from God,Isolation, senitize,taking required foods and changes in life style.Perhaps we have run very fast in changing of the world and declaring ourselves the Master of the Universe.But a virus has made us realise that in spite of all our scientific developments we are at lower stairs of scientific development.Somewhere we have violated the basic of development and we need a new plan of development.
Dear Dr. in this RE open question we attempt to analyse the Lombardia dramatic event in mortality rate, but now, also for other Europea key areas (Madrid, Catalonia, London, Netherlands). Some work hypothesis are: oro-fecal transmission; Diamond Princess passengers return as spreaders (according to insufficient quarantine and positive intestinal tests but negative in nasal-oral tests); additional animal reservoirs; urban-river effect.
appropriate face mask (thick layer preventing viral penetration), ideally glasses (to protect your eyes), avoid touching your face with hands, wash your hands frequently and intensively, keep 2 meter distance with others, take plenty of fluids and vitamin C, D and Zn
Presently, social distancing is the only way to prevent the spread of COVID 19 pandemic. However, in the absence of any vaccine, COVID positive patients are being treated with certain available anti-viral and antimalarial drugs and some of them are getting cured.
According to OECD report March 2020, projections for annual global GDP growth for 2020 have dropped by half a percentage point to 2.4% due to the coronavirus outbreak. However, a longer lasting and more intensive coronavirus outbreak could slow global growth to 1.5%.
Social awareness will be the best weapon to fight Coronavirus . And it is important for everyone to be more alert than being anxious. We cannot compare which country is leading in the race of protecting their country because the amount of resources are different for different country. China came out of danger soon because they were well equipped with every basic necessity, being it advance technology, medical facility, abundant food and well aware citizen. Apart from just physical strength we must start working on strengthening ourselves mentally.
Observing and sticking to all the rules and guidelines stated by World Health Organization, and medical experts are the best ways to prevent covid - 19 infection. Discovery of the vaccine and drugs for the treatment of covid - 19 infection are still underway.