Quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at its most fundamental level. A central tenet of quantum physics is that energy comes in indivisible packets called quanta. Quanta behave very differently to macroscopic matter: particles can behave like waves, and waves behave as though they are particles.
source: Quantum physics - Latest research and news | Nature
The field of Quantum Information Science (QIS) is a rapidly growing field, with an expanding number of potential applications that explore the capabilities of currently available noisy quantum devices and promise to eventually solve problems beyond anything that classical systems can accomplish. In the past few years, this expectation for transformational applications has translated to a lot of attention, both from the media (reaching the scientific community and the general public) and the government funding agencies and technology industry. The significant advances have been made in developing new techniques and algorithms and advancing quantum technologies, resulting in applications that are addressing real problems (albeit simplified, in most cases, or very specialized).
source: Quantum Computing: Advancing Fundamental Physics | SpringerLink