09 September 2016 5 5K Report

here are the 4 protein markers:

1) WT-1  ,    rabbit source, 52Kd

2) synaptopodin,    goat,     100kd

3) POPX2,     goat,    54kd

4) actin,    rabbit,    42kd

I have heard about cutting the membrane and incubating it with primary antibodies separately, but let me just put it this way. As an undergrad im not allowed to do it this way. What i am required to do is incubate the entire whole membrane with each primary antibody at a time then incubate it with its appropriate secondary antibody, and then carefully load the substrate(chemiluminescence ECL) along the lanes corresponding to the protein marker ONLY and then detect. After detection of first marker, i will proceed with repeating all these steps for the second marker.

My plan would be to detect WT-1 first, then detect synaptopodin, then detect POPX2,  then detect actin. Before detecting  actin, i may need to treat membrane with stripping buffer because B actin primary antibody is derived from rabbit and its secondary antibody may react against WT-1 primary antibody(not to mention their sizes are pretty similar).

i have some questions which i hope people experienced doing western blot can answer.

1) is this antibody sequence of detection OK? 

2) the detection of POPX2 might be interfered by synaptopodin (same source: goat) but i intend to load the ECL substrate onto the POPX2 protein size only. THE SIZE difference between these 2 should prevent ECL substrate from coming into contact with synaptopodin and giving me 2 detections during POPX2 detection?

3) I am concerned about this scenario: eventhough i am loading the substrate along the lanes corresponding to synaptopodin size only, and then detect this part of membrane, will the remnants of substrate from the first detection (WT-1) still be 'active' and give me another band? 

4) this process may take me 4 days in total. ie: each marker incubation etc takes 1 day. will the membrane blot degrade and if so how do i ensure the membrane will be in good condition still?

5) alternatively i can just treat blot with stripping buffer after each step but my senior advise me that such treatments might affect the antigens, so its best to only use it when its needed.

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