Hey all,

I'm attempting to model the compression of cylinders of different radius and heights made out of silicone elastomers (hyperelastic materials) using abaqus. I've preformed some compressive tests on samples of the silicone I'm interested in to acquire to stress strain data and fitted this to a hyperelastaic Ogden relationship in Abaqus.

Using a python script I have written I'm able to model the compression of many different cylinders with different heights/radius. However some of the response I cant seem to explain. For a cylinder of a constant radius the compressive force for different heights seems to follow a shallow parabola. Where the force will start high for small cylinder heights and will then decrease and increase again for larger cylinder heights.

I cant seem to think of a reason this would happen. Perhaps my stress, strain data isn't very good resulting in inaccurate results?

Attached should be an image of the data i have collected showing this issue.

Any help would with understanding the physics behind this would be greatly appreciated.

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