How do I conduct a bootstrapped (within-subjects) one-way repeated measures MANOVA or MANCOVA in SPSS? SPSS has no default setting for bootstrapping these types of analyses. So, in the SPSS data window, is it possible for me to use one column for my Outcome/Independent variable and include the three time points within it (ie. 'Time' as the column title and then its 'groups' as 1, 2 and 3) and then do the same for my 4 dependant variables by putting the individual scores next to their respective time 'group'... So, across the top of my SPSS data window, I would only have 4 variables visible, but within each of those variables would be the 3 'condition' scores. If I then used 'Analyze > General Linear Model > Multivariate' then place 'Time' (with it's three internal levels) into the 'Fixed Factor' box and my 4 dependent variables (with their 3 time/internal measurements/scores inside each single variable) into the 'Dependent Variables' box, the option to use 'Bootstrap' is available in this window. Would this be an appropriate way to conduct my bootstrapped one-way MANOVA? Is this what I would actually be doing?

---Masters level dissertation details are below--- STUDY:

An investigation into the effect of voluntary behaviour regulation upon social media use through smartphones.


1. To establish the effectiveness of 'iOS Screentime' as a tool for behaviour regulation, concerning social media use.

3. To identify whether educational performance 'risk-factors' for young people (derived from the scientific literature) can be significantly reduced through such a 'self-help' technique.

2. To contribute to the debate concerning whether or not social media addiction/reliance is a behavioural phenomenon.

HYPOTHESES (derived from literature):

1. Self-imposed behaviour regulation will significantly decrease the time spent accessing social media, for 'Time 3' and 'Time 2' VS 'Time 1'.

2. Self-imposed behaviour regulation will significantly decrease social media reliance scores, for 'Time 3' and 'Time 2' VS 'Time 1'.

3. Self-imposed behaviour regulation will significantly improve mood scores, for 'Time 3' and 'Time 2' VS 'Time 1'.

4. Self-imposed behaviour regulation will significantly decrease FOMO, for 'Time 3' and 'Time 2' VS 'Time 1'.

IV: Time (Catagorical - 'Time' is my 'grouping variable')

Level1: Pre-Intervention (Time 1)

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