I am running PCRs with cDNA and DNA followed by agarose gel electrophoresis (1.5% gel, 1x TAE buffer, 3µl PCR product loaded (5µl PCR product with 1µl 6x loading dye (thermofisher), 80V for 1,5 hours) and I always get a smear from the start til the end of the band AND my bands always look like sad smiley faces. I tried lower voltages and also one setting that was first 120V for 5 min. and then 110V for 65 min. but still the shape is like unhappy smileys. For each band, also the marker (marker gets straight after 400bp, so until 500bp its also a sad face (100bp generuler from thermo fisher)).

I also tried new buffers and less load but still the same.

Any suggestions?

Ive read that this could come from some salt concentrations in the sample buffer, but I wonder how they could be too high at some point.

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