Dear all,

I used the EasySelect Pichia Expression Kit from Invitrogen with the pPICZα expression vector. The gene was cloned into PpiczαA vector at EcoRI and Xba1 site and was linearized with Sac1 restriction enzyme before transformed into Pichia Pastoris (KM71H strain).The successful clones that integrated into yeast genome were confirmed by PCR and sequencing.

My protein of interest is secreted(intracellular) protein and I tried to express the protein with standard protocol as mentioned in the Invitrogen Pichia pastoris manual. A time course of induction phase with methanol had been done to see my protein expression at 24h,48,72,96,120 and 144 hours. However, I am unable to see my protein on SDS-PAGE either by loading supernatant directly or after concentrating the sample by Acetone Precipitation . My protein supposedly expressed in supernatant.

Could you help me troubleshoot this problem. I would like to know the possible reason on why my protein could not be secreted and detected by SDS-PAGE. For your information, i already double check that the gene of interest is cloned in-frame with the α-factor signal sequence as well as in-frame with the C-terminal tag. No frameshift can be detected that can lead to unsuccessful expression of correct target proteins.


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