19 March 2016 6 178 Report


I am simulating a turbine in Fluent  that I divided the mesh into domains. the domains are the piping before and the blade and the other domain contains the turbine blades. the domain containing the blades rotates at rpm while the other ones are .

Please see streamlines around blade in following figures. As you see, Streamlines near to boundary between rotation and stationary domains ar correctly. why?

Mesh is and mesh (between the domains) is and i also used interface(For example,..) and without in this simulation but problem . How to solve this problem?

I explain more about my problem:

I am simulating a  turbine, namely, turbine. solution is state.

This turbine have blades((360/)= deg=angle between blades). Due to the circumferential symmetry, only one eight of the annulus has been computed, imposing periodic boundary conditions in the tangential direction. In my model, the computational domain has been restricted in the axial direction to chord lengths upstream and chord lengths downstream of the blade. Blades are symmetry(Naca00XX).

Computational domain is as follow:

According the following figures, My means about is velocity .

 I want to solve this problem, because this simulation is validated correctly and

I want to obtain streamlines as follows

I am grateful that guide me.

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