15 Questions 25 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ali Sam
Hi dear friends, I want to simulation a whirl rotational motion and axial distance together in Ansys Fluent or Ansys CFX . For this work, Should I work on dynamic mesh and write UDF? or Is there...
28 May 2021 7,945 1 View
Hi, I want to simulation a kind of furnace know as blast furnace(Please see attached pics). A blast furnace is a type of metallurgical furnace used for smelting to produce industrial metals,...
23 October 2019 7,255 2 View
Hi, I am simulating a furnace as follows(please see attachment). Is it possible to capture temperature distribution in this furnace without designing intake fan? Which kind of boundary...
02 September 2018 1,541 3 View
Hi, I have the following parameters in my project (please see attachments). I submitted a paper. Now, one of the Reviewer's comments is as follows: Validation is not enough and convincing....
12 October 2017 9,607 4 View
Hi, Is it possible to import output result of Matlab(for example eps format i.e mesh. eps) in Fluent or CFX? This output result of Matlab is a mesh file. Another question: Is it possible to export...
22 May 2017 9,255 3 View
Hi, I searched and i understood that pitch angle is as attachment(please be careful that diagram illustrates pitch angle, but labels it just "pitch"). But What is turbine pitch? I simulated an...
15 October 2016 184 4 View
Hi, I am analyzing results of my turbine simulation. I have created one line from hub to tip at downstream of the turbine rotor(not downstream of flow) ...please see attachment. I want to...
13 October 2016 7,332 13 View
Hi, I want to write gradient expression according to following attached figure. But I don't see such as this term in CFX post. The governing equations used for the simulations were continuity,...
12 August 2016 9,495 2 View
Hi, I studied the following paper. this paper is about effect of blade thickness on the separation. blade section is Naca 00 XX in this turbine. ownload: s2.0- paper is wrote that if blade...
25 April 2016 5,885 1 View
Hi, I am simulating a turbine in Fluent that I divided the mesh into domains. the domains are the piping before and the blade and the other domain contains the turbine blades. the domain...
19 March 2016 178 6 View
Hi, I am simulating an axial turbine and number of cell are about 3000000. Under relaxation factors are as follows: Pressure: 0.1 momentum:0.1 Turbulent kinetic energy: 0.5 Turbulent dissipation...
10 November 2015 6,069 23 View
Hi, I am simulating a turbine in Fluent that it has curve. Mesh is structure completely. but there is high Skewness in tip clearance and some parts of around of the...
07 November 2015 6,659 3 View
Hi, I am simulating an axial turbine. I am simulating an axial turbine by using Fluent. The convergence of solution is monitored by checking the residuals of the numerically solved governing...
04 November 2015 6,846 1 View
hi friends, Are two units kj/kg.k and kj/kg.c equal?(about unit of entropy)why?I got in trouble for writing code in the the software EEs. Regards, ali
16 January 2015 334 4 View
Hi, I am a beginner at UDF and I want to know UDF. But in Net, I see that many users have great problems in linking between Ansys Fluent and Microsoft Visual Studio. Why does this happen? My...
01 January 1970 550 1 View