I have a couple of quick questions about storage of total RNA as an ethanol precipitate. I have 30ul of total RNA in H20 at about 2000ng/ul. Should I make this 30ul up to 0.3M Sodium acetate (by adding 3ul of 3M), then add 2.5 volumes ethanol (90ul of 100%) then put into the -20C? Is it possible to aliquot at this stage, or has the RNA already precipitated?

When I want to use this sample in the future, should I then simply spin down to pellet the RNA, remove the ethanol, and resuspend in my desired buffer/water? Will this mean that the salts remain in the RNA sample? Is there some way to eliminate them, perhaps via some additional wash step? I understand that the choice of salt effects future use. I intend to do some of the following: cDNA synthesis, poly(A) selection, MiSeq illumina sequencing. Is sodium acetate my best choice?

Also, one last question, I have some samples with very low concentrations of total RNA in them e.g. 30ul @

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