I am looking for anyone with experience with statistical comparison of MALDI-TOF data. I have no experience with analyzing profile data and I need to compare the effect of the treatment on bacterial culture. It should work in MathLab or Bionumerics.
Could you clarify what you have reflected in mind under 'statistical comparison'? MALDI, like other MS methods, is based on exact physical relations, meaning equations....
Simply speaking when you know the relations you can predict the spectrum of any object, like IR, Raman, UV, etc.
The simplest approach would be to extract the corresponding x,y values and perform multivariate statistics, if you work with Bruker devices you could use ClinProtools, if you look for changes in profiles in protein profiles you could look at our publication
"Label-Free in Situ Monitoring of Histone Deacetylase Drug Target Engagement by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Mass Spectrometry Biotyping and Imaging" we analyzed the changes in mammalian protein profiles after treatment