Hello researchers,

Here's the thing. I've this expression kit (Champion™ pET101 Directional TOPO™ Expression Kit REF 45-0175) and I've read about the protocol provided by Invitrogen. Where it describes the exact protocol I've to follow in order to obtain positive colonies with my desired insert.

I designed the primers with the overhang sequence (CACC) and removed the stop codon of my gene, and perfomed the PCR to isolate the gene of interest (704 pb) that I want to clone in E. coli TOP 10 using this kit. The PCR was successful and then I had to follow the procedure of the kit, which consist in the ligation of the insert in the plasmid (pET101/D-TOPO), performing the TOPO® Cloning Reaction in Chemically Competent E. coli using:

1 uL of PCR product (40 ng/uL)

1uL of Salt Solution

1uL of TOPO vector (15-20 ng/uL)

3 uL of Sterile Water to complete a total volume of 6 uL.

I mentioned the concentration of the PCR product and TOPO vector because of the molar ratio, Invitrogen recommends 0.5:1 to 2:1 molar ratio of PCR product:TOPO vector.

Then I made the same but with no PCR product because I wanted to use it as a control in my transformation with E. coli TOP 10 (also keeping a final volume of 6 uL). To visualize later the different with a MiniPrep, PCR or something. And let the TOPO cloning reaction (with my PCR product) mixing gently and incubating it at room temperature (25 ºC).

After getting this TOPO cloning reaction ready I performed the appropiate protocol to transform the Chemically Competent E. coli TOP 10 (in the freezer -80ºC).

So, after performing this protocol of transformation I made the respective controls (I Used LB + Ampiciline (100 ug/mL) medium) and let them in the incubator (37ºC), their colonies yield was low. And the exact problem that I've with this kit is that I didn't visualize any colony with my insert!

What I did after letting the cells grow was isolate each one in another plate as a individual colony. I got randomly 9 colonies, and tried to perform a PCR colony with my primers of the gene of interest (result was negative) and maybe I thought that the DNA concentration was kind of arbitrary so I moved the colonies from their solid medium to a liquid medium with the same composition. And then I performed the MiniPrep and all of the colonies (included the control with NO PCR product, was successful) showed the same band size, nonetheless I performed other PCR with the primers of my gene of interest and once again my results were negative. The only conclusion of this procedure is to think about the ligation of the PCR product in the plasmid. Any advice? Anything would be great, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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