1- I read sometimes people added blocking solution after primary Ab and after that added secondary Ab, while, other people normally do before primary Ab and prior that added secondary Ab.

- My tissue is chicken Duodenum

 Is there any way to know what time should add blocking reagents? 

2- Some papers mention different dilutions in primary and secondary antibodies. How can I be sure for primary which dilution and for secondary which dilution could be work? (Because, till now I've used same dilution (e.x 1/100 or 1/1000) for both primary and secondary antibodies)

In the other word, Is there any way to detect whether I have to dilute primary antibody more or secondary antibody?

3- Is that ok while I am working on chicken Duodenum , my secondary antibody could be Goat Anti-Chicken IgY???

My Secondary Ab:

Goat pAb to chicken IgY (from abcam)

4- My target antigens are intracellular, and I need to use a permeabilisation step. may I know in which step I have to do permeabilisation ? Normally after antigen retrieval and blocking step I do permeabilisation with Triton-x 100 for 10 minutes. Is that correct ?

Till now I did not succeed to detect virus in my tissue, while I detected in ICC(But I needed to detect in tissue as well):

Shall I use longer permeabilisation ?

5- I am using 1% Normal Goat Serum as a blocking step before primary Ab step, shall I increase it to 5%?

6- While I am using Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3 (Secondary Antibody) for my targeted cells, is it ok in a same time also I use Goat pAb to chicken IgY (Secondary Antibody) for detection of my targeted virus in my chicken tissue?

7- For washing step, I read different concentration of Tween 20 such as 0.5 %, 0.1%, 0.2%  and 0.05%, which one should I take it? It is confusing....

8- Some references says use 5% Normal Goat Serum for blocking step and also 5% Normal Goat Serum for Ab dilutions. while, others says 5% Normal Goat Serum for blocking step and 1%  Normal Goat Serum for Ab dilutions. which one is correct?

I appreciated in advance for your help

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