I do a M.Sc. thesis about expression of recombinant protein in Hansenula polymorpha (syn. Pichia angusta). Since there is no commercial vector available, we have to construct it ourselves. I have to clone three genes from Hansenula genome (promoter, terminator, and HARS1), but in my project have many step to do before I can graduate.

My thesis plan: Strat with cloning genes and plasmid construction, transformation, selection the clone, expression, SDS-Western blot, ELISA, Real-time PCR, and see a virus-like particle.

I wish to graduate in 3 years, but I have 2 years left.

Could you suggest how I should synthesize these genes or clone by myself? Actually, I want to clone these genes by myself but I heard that this step is hard, and take very long time.

With my respect

Tatpong Boontawon

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