Hi. I am running a CFA on a commonly used questionnaire with 14 items that load from 7 latent constructs. Total N is 308. The SEM shows a covariance between two of the latent constructs above 1 when standardized. However, when I run bivariate correlation analysis of the seven constructs in SPSS (as manifest variables off cause) the correlation between this pair is .71. Which is the highest correlation among the constructs. The others range between .24 and .57.

When analyzing the estimated covariances in AMOS the problematic one has .55 and is not the strongest covariance. One of the two problematic latent constructs has a covariance of .60 with another latent construct.

I also checked all variables for multicollinearity by running linear regression with all variables included, leaving one as the dependant, and then shifted for each time I ran it. It did not identify any VIF above 2.3 between any of the 14 variables. I also ran the same test on the seven constructs. Again no VIF above 2.3, so it should not be a multicollinearity problem, should it?

Any suggestions for what I am doing wrong?

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