I made a 12.5% glycine gel for protein analysis.


12.5% separating buffer (1.5M Tris pH 8.8)

4% stacking buffer (0.5M tris pH 6.8)

Monomer solution (30% acrylamide + 2.7% bis acrylamide)

10% APS

10% SDS

Tank Buffer (250mM Tris, 192mM glycine and 0.1% (w/v) SDS)

Reducing sample buffer (2.5ml stacking buffer, 4ml 10% SDS, 2ml glycerol, 1ml b-mercaptoethanol, 35ug bromophenol blue)

Firstly, my gels took very long to polymerize (upon addition of APS and TEMED) - but my biggest problem is the running time. I have run this gel 4 times and each time it takes 5 hours and only reached halfway! I do not know what to do.

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