Dear all, I have a question concerning AAV-transduction. I would like to use the AAV System to introduce a KO in NHDF-cells. For this, I transfected HEK293T-cells with 3 different Plasmids (see attached). The viral production seems to work very well(strong GFP/RFP signal). After isolation, I determined the viral titer via qPCR analysis. I calculated a titer of around 1x10^13 vp/ml. But when I try to transduce different cells (HEK, HT1080, NHDF), I detected no fluorescent signal at all. For the transduction, I used different MOI (from 10.000 to 10) but with no success.

Do you have any idea, what I could change? The used plasmids contain the needed components, right?

Best regards and many thanks


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