Hi there,
I have been trying to optimize primers on qPCR. Their Tm is 53.7 and 54.8. I am using FastStart Essential DNA Green Master (Roche) which has the following qPCR protocol:
1. Pre-incubation: 95'C 600sec,
2. 3-step amplification: 95'C 10 sec, 53'C - 57'C gradient 15 sec (primer dependent), and 72'C for 15 sec.
3. Melting (for melting curve)
4. Cooling
I used the same primer set from a publication, but they used biorad SYBR green mix, which uses 60'C as annealing and extension time.
I've tried the following temperature: 53, 54, 55, 56 and 57 but the highest PCR efficiency I could obtain was 85%. Also, my first Cq starts very late (Cq = 30). I also tried raising cDNA conc. but this didn't help.
(My reference gene which has Tm of 56.7 and 57.3 always produce 95% PCR efficiency at 55 and 56'C annealing temp. Cq starts usually at 25 or 26.)
Should I try lowering the Tm? I worry that the primer once annealed, would fall off as the temp gets raised up to 72'C.