I am trying to extract a soluble protein from Insect cells. After infection I see cell swelling. I harvest the cells at about 45-50% cell viability (3-4 days post infection). I see cell swelling. I have confirmed the bacmid prior to transfection with PCR.

When I harvest the cells and do lysis, I see all the protein of interest in the cell debris. I have tried 0.1% Triton X100 and NP40 separately in lysis buffer. My lysis buffer is 20mM Tris, 300mM NaCl, 0.05mM EDTA, 0.1% Triton X100 or NP40. I do not know what is happening. Is there something I am doing wrong? What could I do more to extract my POI from the cell debris? Any suggestion would be really helpful.

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