11 November 2012 10 6K Report

I am trying to obtain a stably transfected B16F10 cell line of floxed GFP plasmid (http://www.addgene.org/8389/). The plasmid structure is pCMV-lox-GFP-lox-RFP. Thus it is expected to express GFP in normal conditions. Cre recombinase expression should induce recombination and RFP expression.

I tried to transfect through both amexa transfection and lipofection. In both cases I was not able to obtain stable cell lines. Basically, after more than 1 month of antibiotic selection, most of the cells died. However, remaining cells which will express GFP lose their GFP expression after a few cell divisions. So forming colonies look patched.Even I tried to flow sort the cells for GFP expression after 6 weeks the sorted cells started to lose GFP expression in few cell divisions. Again I obtained patched colonies.

Moreover, after having problems with transfections I decided to use lentivirus for trunsduction.

I cloned the fragment into lentiviral vector and did transduction.

Unfortunately, same result. Cells are losing GFP expression.

As a note, they don't become red when they lose GFP expression

What is going on here? Any suggestions?

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