I am facing problems of non specific amplification in my colony PCR experiments. My specific product is present but its band is not as intense compared to the non specific mesh that appears below it. My product size is 300bp, whereas the mesh appears near 100bp and is very intense.

These are the steps regarding my experimental protocol:

1) Transformation of ligation mix in DH5alpha

2) Pick 5 transformant colonies

3) Grow each colony in respective antibiotic containing LB broth for 5-6 hours

4) Took 500ul of culture and centrifuge

5) Resuspend in 50ul of nuclease free water.

6) Denaturation at 95 C for 10 min

7) centrifugation of lysate at high speed for 5 min.

8) Use supernatant as template for colony PCR.

9) PCR reaction:

go green master mix = 10ul

gene specific primers (10uM)= 2ul each

template( supernatant)= 6ul each

Note: I am getting good results by following same protocol for other constructs.

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