I have cloned my gene of interest in pSpeedET using NgoMIV and Xba1 restriction enzyme. Gene was isolated via PCR using gene specific primers with restriction site over hangs at 5' ends. After ligation and transformation I got many colonies on selective agar (Kanamycin) from which i screened 5 colonies via colony PCR using a) gene specific primers, b) T7 forward and gene specific reverse primer but i didn't get my specific PCR product. Protocol i followed for colony PCR is:

1) diluting colony in nuclease free water(50uL)

2) heat denature at 95 C for 10 min.

3) spin down at 10000 rpm and harvest supernatant as template for PCR.

NOTE: pSpeedET contains ccdB(Toxin) cassette due to which unligated plasmid (intact ccdB gene) cannot result as transformant i-e for transformants they must have interrupted ccdB cassette by insert.

Kindly suggest me the possible faults i might have gone through.

Thanks in advance.

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