02 February 2013 24 9K Report

I've been having good success with self-assembly on AuNP's on amine-functionalized glass surfaces. I've noticed that even with our best runs/protocols for amine functionalization, if we let the coverage go to saturation, it usually results in many islands and clusters to form as viewed with SEM. We have indirect evidence to believe that these clusters usually appear often towards the end of deposition, at high maximum coverage.

I'm curious as to why the nanoparticles would want to pile up on top of each in some spots, despite being stable in free solution. These are citrate-capped particles, about 24nm in diameter. I imagine the amine-crosslinker changes the zeta potential of the AuNP enough for it to attract other particles in some regions.

Do you guys have any idea of why this may be happening? Perhaps it is something I can tweak in the monolayer, but I wonder if I could deposit AuNP's in a different solution (eg modified ph or salinity) to possibly reduce such an effect.

I've attached an image to make it more clear about what I mean by "piling up".

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