I have a problem with plasmid extraction by column. I am trying to extract plasmid by phenol-chloroform. I got the following protocol from nearby lab:
1. Resuspended bacterial plasmid with TE+RNAse (10mM tris-HCl, 1mM EDTA, 100mg/ml RNAse).
2. Lysed cell with TENS Buffer (10mM tris-HCl, 1mM EDTA, 0.1M NaOH, 0.5% SDS).
3. removing debris by mixing with 3M NaAcetate and centrifugation @13,200 rpm for 4 mins
4. purified with saturated-phenol (centrifugation @13,200 rpm for 4 mins)
5. purified with saturated-phenol:chloroform (ratio 50:50) (centrifugation @13,200 rpm for 4 mins)
6. purified with chloroform (centrifugation @13,200 rpm for 4 mins)
7. precipitated DNA by absoluted Ethanol (centrifugation @13,200 rpm for 2 mins)
8. washed DNA by 70% Ethanol (centrifugation @13,200 rpm for 1 mins)
9. resuspend DNA pellet with SDW
From this protocol, I have some questions:
1. Which step remove gDNA out from plasmid? Is that step3, or not?
2. Can I used the plasmid from this extraction in cell transfection?
3. How long is time for stocking phenol:chloroform mixture? (I've read some question in RG and the answer seem to be within 3 month. So, I don't know about the reason: denatured? reaction?)
4. I got 260:280 ratio from this extraction more than 2, can I used that plasmid? (or that mean it contaminated?)