10 Questions 116 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Fulvio Celsi
I've come across a few publications were the authors to demonstrate phospho-CREB increase shows only the WB band of p-CREB without showing the total CREB. Is it correct ? because I always thought...
12 December 2016 1,648 3 View
Hello everyone! I would like to find a lab host to participate to TALENTs grant. It is a ìn european grant that provide salary for 18 months, divided in 12 to spent in an Host institution and 6 to...
08 August 2015 8,990 3 View
I'm trying to concentrate cell culture supernatant to evaluate levels of IL-1B trough ELISA. I would like to do with TCA-Acetone method. Do you have any good protocol? Also, I've read that...
04 April 2015 9,243 6 View
Hi to all! I'm entering the field and so I have a lot of question..The first one is the model: We are currently working with a cell line that is Hypertetraployd , and I'm wondering if it could be...
10 October 2014 5,449 7 View
Hi all, I'm starting to use Daoy cells (medulloblastoma), and I would need to transfect them. In literature seems that there is no info on that...Has anyone tried that? thanks
10 October 2014 488 5 View
Hi all, I need to excise a sequence from a plasmid, but this sequence was cloned in a BglII site with BamHI sequence, destroying the BglII recognition sequence. Unfortunately, the new BamHI is...
03 March 2014 5,324 10 View
I guess serum-starvation is the simplest option, but for my project is not the best idea. Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance
07 July 2013 9,588 11 View
I'm quite new in the field, and I'm looking for a software or (better) an online platform to analyze intronic sequences in my gene-of-interest, to discover if there are potential miRNA inside the...
01 January 2013 2,532 4 View
I'm looking for a human microglial cell line, any suggestion? I've read about the HMO6 cell line, produced by Nagai et al., but I cannot find if they are commercially available or not.
01 January 2013 9,783 55 View
My problem is that in theory, I have to make the first dimension (native) run and the second dimension (SDS-page) run on the same day, and then transfer on membrane still on the same day. Bu also...
12 December 2012 472 5 View