I used to think that as Pcrit is the same during sedation and natural sleep, this means that the properties of the UA muscles remain intact under sedation, but then I read an old article that explained that because of the methodology to get the Pcrit, where the CPAP is on, the muscles don't have activity, and so you shouldn't expect to have a different Pcrit as, even if the drug would cause muscle relaxation, it would not make a difference in an already relaxed muscle....(Morrison DL, Launois SH, Isono S, Feroah TR, Whitelaw WA, Remmers JE. Pharyngeal narrowing and closing pressures in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.pdf. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1993;148:606–11.)

Now I'm reading an article by Eastwood about increasing dose of propofol and Pcrit and says that it increased Pcrit, so now I don't know what to think (Eastwood PR, Platt PR, Shepherd K, Maddison K, Hillman DR. Collapsibility of the upper airway at different concentrations of propofol anesthesia. Anesthesiology  2005;103(3):470–7.)

Can anyone explain me where's the problem? 


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