We’ll appreciate to receive your suggestion about the cell line type to employ in an in vitro experimental model of chronic/acute pancreatitis.
Our starting idea to employ human cell line was hampered by the fact that only primary h-acinar cell are available with a limited life span, which does not fit with the experiment length and reproducibility.
Immortalized h-Ducts cells are available, even if they play a critical role in pancreatitis, aren’t the critical target of the process. In addition , even if in theory they can overexpress some receptors in pancreatitis, the limited number and weight cannot allow to translate in vitro results to a possible radiotracer application in vivo.
Rat-AR42J cell line seems to be the only choice, but it comes from a rat transplantable tumour, is tumorigenic in nude mice and need glucocorticoid stimulus to resemble exocrine function.
There is somebody able to suggest possible alternatives?