I've been getting product in my no template controls (NTCs), that when I run on a gel is specific to the primer pair (i.e. with several different primer sets the product in NTC is the same size as the correct product for that gene). It is quite variable in that in some cases the NTC is very weak (and once or twice nothing at all) and sometimes almost as strong as the sample with cDNA.

I have tried replacing everything, including ordering new primers, using different DNA polymerase (the polymerase I use is a mix with buffer and dNTPs already in) and fresh dH20, and also cleaning all pipettes with EtOH/using filtered tips, but I can't seem to get rid of it! I've even got a lab member to run the PCR for me with her separate pipettes/H2O etc and still she got product in NTC of one of the two sets of primers she tried.

Any suggestions on what might be the source and how to deal with it?

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