Does anyone know if E0771 from C57BL/6 can metastasize to bone regularly? Or, are there other murine breast cancer cell lines from C57BL/6 background that give rise to bone metastasis easily?
I did never work with such kind of cells, however there is evdence in the literature of the theory of “fertile soil” by which cancer cells are preferentially attracted to distant organ like the bone by some modification of the bone microenvironment. Breast cancer cells migrate throug matrigel towards a BMP-2 source . MCF-7 cells transfected with the BMP-2 gene also showed enhanced migratory properties and high expression of the metastasis-related gene BCSG1 (Clement JH. Int J Oncol. 2005 ;27:401). Another line is the bone-tropic MDA-MB-231 expressinh high levels of cadherin-11 (Tamura D. Int J Onc 2008;33:17)
You can find an interesting review dealing with these aspects (Ganguly SS. Fontiers in Oncology. December 2014 doi: 10.3389/fonc.2014.00364 ) even if focused mainly on prostatic cancer
We use the 4T1 murine cell line ( to induce bone metastasis in our Balb/c mice. Not sure if it would work in your mice (but since they're murine cells, they probably would). IC injection with 1x10^5 cells will result in visible osteolytic lesions (using xrays) in the hind femurs and tibias by day 14. The 4T1 cells are super aggressive, so keep an eye on those mice. They may have serious fractures by day 21.
If you want to use MCF-7 or MDA-MB-231 cells, athymic mice are the most commonly used. Also, not all strains of these cells will readily form osteolytic metastasis (as per reported in the literature). The ones that do go to bone have been derived from bone-tropic subclones (like the ones Yibin Kang uses).