Hello everybody!!! I overexpress an HA-tagged protein in the DG of the hippocampus (mice) by viral infection. Afterwards, i stain the brain slices against the HA tag by the IHC. As expected, I dont get a signal in the uninfected animals. The background signal also seems to be low. However, in the infected animals, DG is pretty damaged (may be due to the viral lethality) and there is a huge background signal!!!! the signal is as strong as the specific signal, which makes it very difficult to quantify. In general the whole slice seems very greenish (488-secondary antibody) and this "signal" even further increases as it gets closer to the infected&damaged site..
Have you ever experienced a similar situation? Can there be a link between the neuronal lethality (I assume the dead neurons are infected) and the increase in the background signal?
Thank you very very much in advance!!!!!