08 August 2017 10 1K Report

HI, I know that RNA is ideally preserved long term after precipitation in EtOH and Sodium Acetate, and it is successively washed in 75% EtOH to remove salts before rehidratetion. I have also read that somebody use 50% Ethanol without Na Acetate, avoiding all togheter the precipitation. I suppose in this case it can be a bit difficult to air dry the pellet at the time to remove the EtOH, and a vacum dryer would be required . So, in absence of a vacum dryer, maybe a higher percentage of EtOH, like 65 to 75 could be used? That would allow to air dry the pellet quite easily, without going through the hassle of precipitating and washing twice the RNA every time I need to withraw an aliquote. Would be this a good method to store my RNA at -80 ?

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