TITLE: Next Gen. Quantum Theory Developments for Photodynamic Simulations

TOPICS: Improvements of MRSF-TDDFT and Nonadiabatic Dynamics Simulations on Photo-biology

DESCRIPTION: Ph.D. Candidates Post-doctoral or Research Professor Position

LOCATION: Theoretical Chemistry Group at Kyungpook National University, South Korea (https://qchem.knu.ac.kr)

CONTACTS: Cheol Ho Choi [email protected]

CONTEXT: We are looking for candidates who have a keen interest in either method development or excited state dynamics simulations. These roles will entail collaborating with a passionate team dedicated to creating and integrating innovative computational methodologies for mixed-reference spin-flip (MRSF)-TDDFT within the context of the "Open Quantum Platform," the next-generation quantum software. For additional information, please visit https://qchem.knu.ac.kr. Our project team focuses on developing, validating, and implementing new approaches for handling excited state dynamics and addressing strong electron correlation in molecules and solids.

CANDIDATE’S PROFILE: The ideal candidate should possess substantial experience in Quantum Chemistry/Physics or a related field. Essential qualifications include proficiency in programming and/or scientific applications. Collaborative abilities are crucial, along with a high degree of self-reliance.

All interested candidates are encouraged to apply, regardless of their personal background.

HOW TO APPLY: Qualified applicants should email an expression of interest, including a CV, list of publications, and names of two referees to Cheol Ho Choi ([email protected] ). The applications will be considered as they appear until the position is filled.

SOUTH KOREA: Working in South Korea offers opportunities for a good work-life balance. English Is widely spoken, though Korean is the main language of the campus.

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