I revived my e.coli dh5alpha glycerol stockin lb agar plate and I got single colonies but there is also dome extra white patches....what are these? ...Are these e.coli colonies ?
It is very hard to tell through the plastic plate and from the bottom. It could be those are contaminants or it could be they are mucoid mutants of E. coli. You can repeat the streaking from your stock and see if it occurs again, and if so pick a well separated colony and make a new glycerol stock.
It's a little hard to say that this is certainty contamination, however, those larger colonies look like contamination. So, for the sake of clarification, as others said you can repeat the subculturing and streaking from the original stock and see the result again.
Thank you everyone...I repeated the streaking from the stock and this time I got good colonies....Could it might have been because the LB plated used were too old?