I am doing TPC assay. I obtained the equation y=0.0006x -0.0123 .

I started with 8g of dry plant powder for extraction and dissolved it in 80 ml of methanol.

I evaporated the total 80 ml volume by rotary evaporator and obtained 1 g of crude methanolic extract - i.e. from 8g of dry plant, I obtained 1g of crude methanolic extract.

Now , from this 1g of crude methanolic extract ,I took 2 mg and dissolved it in 1 ml of methanol(Concentration-2mg/ml). I used 1 ml in the FC assay.

Absorbance obtained- 0.055

from equation, x= 112.16 ug/ml

So for TPC = C x V/ M

Now ,here what will be V , 80 ml used initially or 1 ml used in the assay

and what will be M , 8g or 2mg?

and how can I convert mg GAE/g of dry extract to mgGAE/g of dry plant?

Kindly explain

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