After removing germ cell contamination by hypotonic treatment with tris, Myoid cell contamination is still present in the cell culture.So is there any other treatment by which myoid cells contamination can be minimized or removed??
Cells isolated using FACS may not be appropriate for functional studies, as common fluorochromes (e.g., propidium iodide) used for cell sorting are toxic.So we need a technique which can circumvent this problem.
I seed the Sertoli cells onto Datura stramonium-coated cover slips. After incubating the cells for 1 h at 35°C and 5% CO2, I have been using 0.3x HBSS for 3-5 min. It works quite well.
We work with Sertoli cells primary cultures since many years. To remove peritubular myoid cells we performed a 1M glycine-2mM EDTA (pH7.4) treatement during the isolation procedure. At day 5 of culture, no myoid cell contamination was detected when an immunoperoxidase technique using a specific antiserum to alpha smooth muscle actin was applied. For details of Sertoli cell isolation procedure you can see Meroni et al. J. Endocrinol. (2002) 174:195-204.
Eliana Thanks a lot for your help,but can you tell me the exact time and temperature for which 1M glycine-2mM EDTA (pH7.4) treatement should be given? Previously we have given the treatment for 10 mins and incubated at room temperature with normal agitation.