In the case of spirometry, we measure flow, but in the case of FOT we measure resistance; This parameter (MEF 25-75) indicates development of small airways, i want to know if in FOT we have something similar. Thanks a lot!
MEF 25-75 reduction alone, usually indicates peripheral airways obstruction. To my knowledge, in regard to FOT or IOS (impulse oscillometry), frequency dependence of resistance (i.e. fdr=R5-R20 in IOS and fdr=R4-R16 in FOT) expresses the peripheral respiratory system resistance. This is because high frequency oscillations (R20 for example) are impeded through their way via the large and medium calibre airways and never reach periphery. Low frequency resistance, on the other hand, expresses the total respiratory system resistance (both large and small airways). When an obstructive syndrome is concerned and other pathologies have been ruled out, fdr increase is a safe index of peripheral airways obstruction. Furthermore, it has been shown that fdr correlates significantly with reactance area (AX) measured only through impulse oscillometry, which is also a valuable index in such cases.