For example:

A DNA sequence is translated into the sequence:



Which leads to the production of:


The obvious problem is that an inversion will invert the codon sequences (ex. CUU GGA-> AGG UUC = LG-> RF). Is there any known mechanism in nature through it is possible to change something like "AAU UCU GAC" into "GAC UCU AAU"?

I cannot think of any way for this to occur - but it would be straightforward to test whether this mechanism exists (or existed in the very ancient past, before translation as we know it today came to exist). I've been running blast searches using inverted amino acid sequences of arbitrarily chosen proteins to see if I find any interesting matches, but haven't gotten any expect values lower than 1x10^-3. I've been doing this manually because I am not trained in bioinformatics - do any of you know where I could learn enough to make a program that will automatically go through inverted amino acid sequence blast searches and retrieve the matches with low expect values?


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