Transplanted human melanocytes
and metastatic melanoma cells into zebrafish blastula-stage
embryos showed that these cells could survive and
participate in embryo development without forming tumors.
The melanoma cells lost their tumorigenic phenotype(1) .Similiarly Zhou et al. show that the embryonic stem cell-conditioned medium contains factors that inhibit cancer cell growth and tumorigenicity in vitro and in vivo.
All these examples indicate that the embryo microenvironment
is able to affect cancer cell and change their phenotypes.
1.Lee M, Seftor E A, Bonde G, Cornell R A and Hendrix M
J 2005 The fate of human malignant melanoma cells
transplanted into zebrafish embryos: assessment of
migration and cell division in the absence of tumor
formation Dev. Dyn. 233 1560–70
2.S Zhou, M Abdouh, V Arena, M Arena, GO Arena. Reprogramming Malignant Cancer Cells toward a Benign Phenotype following Exposure to Human Embryonic Stem Cell Microenvironment
- PloS one, 2017 -