I am trying to do a gold nanoparticle (AuNP) based lateral flow assay for detecting an analyte. It is a competitive assay, where in the conjugate pad has the AuNP-Antibody conjugate, the nitrocellulose membrane is pre-coated with the analyte and the analyte is also introduced in the sample pad. 

I have pretreated the sample pad with borate buffer, BSA and sucrose. The AuNP-Antibody conjugate is also made in the solution comprising of borate buffer, BSA & Sucrose. I have not blocked the Nitrocellulose membrane with BSA.

I have observed that the assay is working good when I am conjugating monoclonal antibody to AuNPs. The conjugate is able to flow through the nitrocelluose membrane and conjugate to the analyte pre-coated on the membrane. 

But, when I am using the polyclonal antibody-AuNP conjugate and keeping all the other parameters the same, the lateral flow is not working. The conjugate is not flowing from the conjugate pad to the nitrocellulose membrane. The conjugate just remains at the junction between conjugate pad and nitro cellulose membrane.

Is this has anything to do with clonality as the monoclonal works fine while the polyclonal doesn't  ? Are there any other experimental factors I should consider for avoiding this ? Can anyone suggest based on their experience.

Monoclonal Ab is a Mouse IgG

Polyclonal Ab is a Rabbit IgG.

Thanking you for your time and advice.



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