you mean 1 sample vs 1 sample? If so, the answer is no, because you need biological replicates to generate a statistical analysis and RNA-Seq is no exception.
The number of replicates required to build a solid RNA-Seq analysis depends on many factors, among them the heterogeneity of the replicates. As a rule of thumb you need at least 3; 4-5 is better.
Using one sample for RNA-seq analysis would be a big waste of money, efforts and resources.
There is a publication about this topic
Article How many biological replicates are needed in an RNA-seq expe...
Technical replicates can be used if you don't have biological replicates. Or if there is a budget issue, better to go for detailed qPCR analysis rather than investing in RNAseq.
In my opinion, it also depends on how depth you performed your sequencing . If there is low coverage, you need more samples, such as more than 3 replicates, etc. If there is a high coverage, a minimum 3 replicates is enough , which just likes many other biological bench work. As to the single sample from each condition, there will be a limited use of the date as a reference to show the presence of the gene expression (absence, not sure), for example, but in quantities it shoud be verified by real-time PCR.