For my stress test design, it would be less invasive if I would be able to assess some important hormones such as insulin and grhelin in blood spots, instead of a regular blood draw. Does any one of you know whether this is possible?
A few drops of blood, are dried on filter paper at room temperature (1 - 1.30 hrs). Once dried, the sample can be transported by any means to the lab – no need for cold chain. In the lab, a 3mm sample is cut. With a single drop two to four parameters (HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis, Cholesterol, Glucose, etc.) can be analyzed, using an appropriate solvent which extracts the biological material that is required for the test. This room-temperature extraction (stove & shaker) occurs inside a micro plate and read-out is done on an ELISA’s reader.
insulin and grhelin measurement by using ELISA’s kits .