We have proven in our work that robustness in different kind of organisms could be quantified as a distinct character and this specific number (percolation threshold) is a measure of structural robustness of metabolic networks against external and internal (random mutations) perturbations. In geometry every specific lattice has defined percolation threshold that is calculated based on its intrinsic geometrical properties. for example D(3(4),6)=(1/5)(4(6))+(4/5)(4(3)) that is one type of Lave lattices (dual to Archimedean lattices) has the bond percolation threshold of 0.5656 that matches the same number of resulted Percolation threshold in H.pylori bacteria. Now the question is: can we assign the geometrical network structure of H.pylori metabolism to lave lattices? it may be just happy coincidence but i think considering about this geometrical adjustments can be useful to understand the process of evolution in organisms because trans states of networks are the same. transition states in network evolution is check point of choosing the best structure that is most beneficial to every organism in its development process.

Also this could be inspiring in designing different types of networks of organisms.Dual networks may help us to discern the activity and role of silent genes.

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