4 Questions 45 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Matteo Brilli
Suppose that you obtained a genome assembly and now you want to calculate the coverage for each contig. Also, suppose that you have both paired and single end reads. I checked a lot of tools...
24 October 2018 5,837 0 View
Dear experts in statistics, I have this question for you. What's the point in performing e.g. hierarchical clustering of a correlation matrix? I do not mean that the clustering is based on the...
07 August 2017 1,125 6 View
Dear researchers, I do not work directly on Flux Balance Analysis, but I studied the theory behind and I appreciate well done papers about the issue. I think that when made in the right way, this...
12 December 2016 634 3 View
I am assembling a genome from an organism that we can't cultivate. We don't know if we sequenced multiple strains or one strain which is polymorphic. Anyway, the point is when I get the assemblies...
08 April 2014 2,143 6 View