Otherwise everyone should be educated but the politicians must be rather well educated because they have to frame program/policies for human welfare. Moreover the politicians if well educated then they won't be dependent on the bureaucracy. Master should be able to deliver the best as the politicians are law makers and they have to deliver with their wisdom and best sense of judgement.
Education is necessary Its good for politician for the higher position to have at least college graduate. How can they know to manage the country if they don't know something? Let's say they will have practice ,but they can't practice all the time if they are already in that position. Instead of practicing, that time should be for them to perform duties and protect their people not for them time to practice.
Education is essential to be good citizens. Politicians should be chosen from those good citizens. The topper politician is, the higher education should be.
Thank you J. M. Koli, but I feel there should be minimum qualification for politicians to enable them have the ability to comprehend various socio-political issues.
Politicians are the main pillars of national development. The country always needs an educated world for them to develop a state ... and why politicians should not have an academic qualification. Without the knowledge, how can he manage the country, a country will be developed when the country's builders have an idea. So how can one be uneducated to develop its citizens?
Yes education for a politicians is must coz he is the person who is gonna make the policy and plans that would run the economy ..so its quite essential for a political reader to be well educated.
Yes, it is necessary to obtain information that helps them to know and manage some of the things that need specific scientific discussions in political negotiation.
“What enables the wise sovereign and the good general to strike and conquer, and achieve things beyond the reach of ordinary men, is foreknowledge” ---- Sun Tzu, the Art of War
Education is necessary for everyone.
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Without education, people cannot read & understand their religious books.
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Without education learning is impossible in digital era.
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Education is now more important in politics. Given the current situation of politicians, they learn as a priority because they do not know much about country history, politics and even geography. They are very limited in their constituencies or constituencies
Definitely Yes, it is necessary to obtain information that helps them to know and manage some of the things that need specific scientific discussions in political negotiation.
Thank you so much for your insightful comments: Adedoyin Adesuji, Mohammed Shwaish, Marwan Khaleel Yousif, Mohammad Mehdizadeh, Dawood Mahdi, Djaafar Zemali . @ Muhammad Farooq thank you for the interesting links.
The importance of education in life is embodied by instilling cultural, social and national values in the citizen. Education documents the process of understanding the rights and duties that all citizens must realize. It also provides citizens with an opportunity to learn about their culture, history and the values of their societies.
Education is very much needed for all politicians whose decisions may have a great bearing on the people in general. A close look at the presidents in developed countries shows that level of education is a prerequisite to their success.
I definitely consider it very necessary. Politicians represent the opinions, interests and concerns of the population. Therefore, they must be educated. I suggest an education focused on the development of communication skills for debate and communication in public, ability to negotiate and reach agreements, team coordination. In the same way I consider that a politician must have studies in political science.
Thank you so much Brenda P. Rodríguez-Villanueva. I am glad to know you are in support of the fact that politicians must be educated. Your suggestions are noted with great delight.
Thank you so much Dr. Djaafar Zemali, Reza Biria, Dawood Mahdi, Adesuji Adedoyin, Marcelo Tsuguio Okano, Paula Romanos. Your vital comments are noted with great delight.
Education plays a vital role in economic and social development ... In this sense, the implementation of various means to raise the level of knowledge of the latter (politician) is necessary. However, they must be acceptable, relevant and effective... Education is good for politicians that are well informed and good in general.
Education is the bedrock of Leadership. A Political Leader MUST be a learned person for him to lead correctly. Education is a light. A blind man can not lead. So it's essential and indispensable for every person who want to be a politician to be educated.
Education enables us see through the things, judiciously and logically.
A knowledgeable politician can make and implement policies more wisely for the common good of people.
Nevertheless leadership is not entirely dependent upon a formal education, as we all seen several examples of it. Although a pinch of education with good leadership can work wonders .
Definitely education is necessary for all politicians. Because, without knowing about education, how can they formulate good strategies for higher education. In some of the countries, illiterates are deputed as higher education ministers, which is horrible.
Yes I think it is necessary because through education, their minds can be renewed / transformed despite they have hard knock real life experience as their guide. Education can prompt them to do the right things faster & better rather than merely relying on their own experience that may get things right through trials & errors.
Education is only one thing that can remove corruption, unemployment, and environmental problems. Education is not about doing degree it is about how you can live with your own feet... That is why education is necessary for politicians
Thank you all. I am glad to know that education is necessary for all politicians. I recommend that politicians who are not educated should return back to school so that they can do things right and learn to construct architecture that looks at solution to problems.
An educated politician will have vast knowledge and exposure far more than an uneducated politician. An educated politician can easily understand the problems of the people because of his exposure and problem solving ability. An honest and sincere educated leader can lead a country effectively. He/she will have many ideas to develop our country.