22 Questions 436 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Zin Eddine Dadach
According to the literature, seven distinct steps are usually utilized while conducting research. What are the steps you are using for your own research?
11 November 2018 2,190 6 View
According to Mr. Bruce Weinstein : "Being ethically intelligent doesn’t just mean knowing what is right; it also means having the courage to do what is right". On the other hand, psychologists...
07 July 2018 1,216 3 View
How happiness affect our willingness to learn? Any research in this topic?
12 December 2017 598 6 View
From the outside world, receiving makes us happy but how does it affect our inner world?
12 December 2017 7,028 8 View
Why do people learn different lessons from the same life experience? Do we see and think with our heart? Is our heart the brain of our soul?
12 December 2017 3,338 10 View
At the end of a class; our brain selects only some parts of the information to become part of the knowledge-bank. Why and how this happen?
12 December 2017 6,026 2 View
Dear Colleagues; I have the intention to publish a small poetry book. I need some advice for a good inexpensive publisher. Thanks....
01 January 1970 8,191 5 View
In many situations; it seems difficult to always have a pure logical solution. We are often guided by feelings to make decisions. How can we explain this interconnection?
01 January 1970 9,828 27 View
Dear RG members; which language do you usually use when you think?
01 January 1970 3,533 12 View
Are we free in the universe or governed by its laws? Are universal laws physical or mental ? Please share your point of view.
01 January 1970 4,463 4 View
When we see the selfish attitude of many world leaders. My question: is leadership just a theory ?
01 January 1970 1,594 21 View
In today's world we see a lot of freedom and rights to be or do what we want. It seems that we cannot tell anyone anymore that their way is wrong. Please share your opinion.
01 January 1970 9,457 14 View
Biologists agree that all normal children have tendency to help and be sociable and are curious to learn . It seems like there is a little voice that guide them. However; growing up ; a second...
01 January 1970 9,622 19 View
When we wait, one minute is like one hour. However, in happy moments, one hour passes like one minute. Any scientific explanation?
01 January 1970 5,984 20 View
This is shown by MRI scans which show this “warm-glow effect” in the reward centers of the brain. For example, some experiments have been conducted in which a group of people are given money, and...
01 January 1970 6,146 5 View
When I was younger living in my country, I was taught to be responsible for my young brothers and sisters and responsible for my parents. However, when I arrived in New York in 1980, I learned...
01 January 1970 5,867 17 View
Global problems were supposed to make every human being feel part of one family concerned about the future of our planet. I think the opposite is happening as we have more divisions, more hate and...
01 January 1970 2,143 5 View
Please share with us what you can make easily after what you have learned from life.
01 January 1970 6,884 8 View
The most beautiful lesson I learned about good heart:" Don't let anyone leaves you unless happier than when she/he came to you." Please share examples of this type of people.
01 January 1970 5,545 12 View
My yougest daughter always reminds me and also teaches me "sharing is caring ☺" Are we caring about the other RG members; like members of a big family ; when we share our ideas or point of view?...
01 January 1970 994 8 View
What is the fundamental difference between philosophy and spirituality?
01 January 1970 2,288 44 View
1. It is well known that fasting has a very positive effects on our health. Some doctors advise their patients few days fasting 2. Moreover, fasting means consuming less and therefore less energy...
01 January 1970 2,734 14 View