I have performed gel filtration (superdex 75) and anion exchange chromatography for my protein. Solvent used for gel filtration is 20mM PB + 100mM nacl (ph 6.5) and for cation exchange, solvent A ( 20mM PB + 100mM nacl (ph 6.5) and Solvent B (20mM PB + 1M Nacl (ph6.5). linear gradient of solvent B was used for elution. Protein is in solvent A.
In size exclusion i got only one peak, which is of my monomer (MW confirm from standard curve) and for ion exchange i got 3 peaks. can i interpreat from cation exchange chromatography that my protein forms three different species with different exposed charged residues. (literature says my protein does not dimerise in the solution)