Hi everyone, I've been having difficulty in purifying a protein. It is a beta barrel, integral membrane protein. My protein is expressed and purified recombinantly.  My target protein is running at about 20kDa. I have two problems:

  • My protein is eluting in my washes (but I still get a decent yield in the elution fraction)
  • My protein is an integral membrane protein so solubility is a huge headache.
  • I'm using a standard Ni2+ affinity chromatography protocol, My protein is isolated using a Ni affinity protocol via gravity column under denaturing conditions (8M urea). The pI is around 8 and my buffers compositions are as follows:

    Wash Buffer:

    100 mM NaH2PO4

    10 mM Tris Cl

    8M Urea

    Storage Buffer

    50 mM MES

    150 NaCl

    1% DDM

    I use a pH gradient to wash and elute my protein ( pH 8 -> 7.3 -> 4.5) with the Wash buffer composition. Then, I’ll refold the column via step-wise dialysis with a decreasing urea concentration.

    While dialyzing my protein, my protein usually starts falling out of solution during the 4->2M urea range. Should I try to focus on a different buffer composition or detergent or even technique? The protein will be used in further downstream biochemical assays and in invivo experiments but do not need to retain functionality.

    Any suggestions and comments is welcome, thanks in advance!

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