I have repeatedly tested my primer efficiency values for several pairs and consistently get high numbers-- from 120-300%, with R^2 values at .99

I test six dilutions and have done this using dilution factors of 10 or 4 and starting amounts of 50 ng to 10 ng. I keep getting this same problem:

The first two or three ct values cluster very close together.  The distance between ct values increases towards the last dilutions until it gets to what would be expected.

So it looks like I have inhibitors in my samples.  They keep the most concentrated samples from multiplying like they should.

For this most recent data set, I performed a LiCl precipitation on the RNA, spinning it down and resuspending it in rnase free water.  I then used 3 µg in a clontech RNA to cDNA ecodry premix kit.

Because the RNA was precipitated out (I could even see the pellet), I expect the only inhibitors present would be from the cDNA kit.  If I were to treat this, though, I would lose confidence in starting RNA amounts for the expression study.

So, does anyone know about--

  • inhibitors from clontech cdna kits?
  • inhibitors from any cdna kits?
  • the cdna kits used when primer efficiency results were good?
  • a way to get rid of inhibitors without losing cDNA?
  • anything I may have missed?
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